CBD, Ways of Consumption

The popularity of cannabinoids comes from two distinct properties. On the one hand, the psychotropic effects that produce altered mental states (THC) and, on the other hand, the increasing health benefits from all kinds of scientific research (CBD).

There are about 110 different types of active compounds within the Cannabinoid (CBD) family. This accounts for approximately 40% of the extraction made in the hemp plant, and is responsible for the medicinal properties of hemp.

The palliative effects of CBD for a large number of diseases are due to their interaction with the human body’s endocannabinoid system. These effects occur every time one of the products containing this substance is consumed.

To take advantage of the numerous therapeutic benefits that cannabinoids offer, there are many different ways to consume them. To satisfy the public’s tastes and preferences, this product is presented in a variety of ways. Thus, its therapeutic potential can be taken advantage of by all people, as everyone can find a way to not go bad with its intake.

CBD chewing gum

It is possibly the best way to get benefits and a healthy taste at the same time. CBD gummies for pain is a product in high demand at the moment, as the effects of its active CBD are direct and it still brings a pleasant sensation to those who like sweets. By consuming Royal CBD brand CBD gummies, you will be assured that they do not have the substance THC, and therefore, there will not be any psychoactive effects. It should also be noted that this product is within the law, which means that you can be completely reassured and safe.

The most notable benefits of the product are improved ability to manage stressful situations, relief from pain and inflammation, as well as an improvement in mood and sleep quality.


If you are looking for a way to take advantage of the beneficial properties of CBD as quickly as possible, vaping is one of the most recommended alternatives. This is a very modern alternative method that is fast acting and effective, and therefore has a higher systemic bioavailability. For many scientists, this may be a trend in drug consumption already in the short to medium term.


Obtaining CBD oil happens through CBD extract, which becomes the so-called carrier oil. The best carriers are olive oil and CMT oils (medium-chain triglycerides). These products can come in different concentrations, and the most common way to consume them is to pour a few drops under the tongue. Through this method, the oil is absorbed thanks to the mucous membranes of the mouth, from where it is directly transported into the bloodstream.

This type of consumption is especially recommended for patients who need quick relief from a specific symptom. Its effect takes 15 to 20 minutes to start working.


If you don’t like the taste of CBD and want a quick, tasteless, and odorless way to consume it, capsules are the best solution. Very easy to swallow, they usually come with a standard concentration of CBD, which avoids having to calculate the volume of each dose. A single capsule is the equivalent of 3 drops of oil.


CBD crystals are the purest form in which cannabidiol extract is found, with up to 99% CBD and absolutely no THC concentration. These crystals can be vaporized, as a condiment for food, or added to a vegetable oil to be used as a tincture. It should be considered that they are highly unstable, i.e. very delicate, so to last they need to be kept away from heat and natural light. With CBD crystals, you are guaranteed that no unhealthy chemicals of any kind will be ingested.


This is possibly one of the most successful commercial formulas. Such is the demand for this type of beverage that companies have not hesitated to open the spectrum to all the possibilities that the market demands. So you can find everything from organic drinks with mint and lavender to sparkling water with added CBD, as well as non-alcoholic or low-alcohol wines and botanical tea, in which cannabidiol is combined with icing or hibiscus.

But the variety of liquid products with CBD does not stop there, as it is also possible to find smoothies or non-alcoholic beers infused with the hemp component.

To this list could be added several other products that, although not directly used for human ingestion, can also be ingested by the body without problems. Toothpaste, lipsticks, moisturizers and other cosmetics are some of the possible examples.

If your looking for CBD Oils, you can visit ecowatch cbd for further information.